You scheduled your preliminary job interview with your dream company, and you are expecting your qualifications to speak for themselves.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you have eight seconds to make a lasting first impression and stand out in the applicant pool. Is this nerve-racking, or are you ready to focus on developing vital interviewing skills?

Here are seven secrets on how to form an authentic connection with your interviewer, clearly articulate your value to the company, and market the best version of you.

 1.  Do Your Homework

The more prepared you are before your interview, the more confident you will be during your interview. Start by researching details about the company through their website and recent press releases. Follow them on social media and set Google alerts to receive notices when the company appears in the news. Research the person or people interviewing you to understand their backgrounds and what you have in common with them.

Ensure you understand the company goals and how you are the best fit for the position you want. Highlight the specific requirements in the job description and align them with your skills. Know the details listed in your resume and quantify your accomplishments wherever possible. Be ready to submit a list of references. It shows you are prepared to be hired immediately. Prepare a list of insightful questions and, most importantly, conduct a mock interview with a family member or friend to gain confidence in answering questions. 

2.  Nonverbal First Impression

We live in a visual society. Plan your wardrobe the night before and make sure you know the workplace dress code. That includes shining your shoes and keeping your nails groomed. Always arrive at least fifteen minutes early. Carry five copies of your printed resume, a notebook, and two pens. It is more important to maintain eye contact, but you want the option to take notes if needed.

From the moment you arrive, you are being watched. Smile and have confident body language. Treat everyone you meet with respect, from security guards to front desk staff. Even though they are not in charge of hiring you, the hiring manager may ask for feedback. And when you meet the interviewer, offer a firm handshake.

3. Your Success Slogan is Your Hook 

Believe in their dreams. We all have visions for our kids and what we want them to accomplish. I would argue that they sometimes mimic our unfulfilled dreams or our passions.

The Quiggle Assessment helps you attract a company’s attention by touting your finest traits with relevancy and confidence. However, the only way to highlight your strengths is by first knowing what they are. 

After completing The Quiggle Assessment, you will discover your Success Symbol. You will either be the Creator, Guardian, Royal, Director, Explorer, or Analyst. Knowing your Success Symbol and key characteristics will help you understand yourself and describe which situations allow you to perform at your peak. 

The Quiggle Assessment will help you unlock the words to describe your authentic self and differentiate yourself from your competition. Using the Power Pitch Generator, you will select four out of twenty adjectives that suit you best. Then out of those four, you will choose the one that highlights how you want others to view you. To create a Success Slogan, you will then add a noun and verb from a list to create a sentence about you. 

We live in a swipe society, and if you want people to focus on you with genuine positive attention, you have to create a powerful hook. For example, The Creator’s Success Slogan could be “I deliver innovative solutions.” By having an authentic way to brand yourself and play up your strengths, you will be able to share your dynamic hook during your interview.

4. Generate Your Personalized Success Story

In almost every interview, you will be asked to describe yourself. It is a combination of hard and soft skill sets that will get you noticed above your peers. You want to make sure you have your power pitch ready to communicate who you are and the value you bring to the company. The Quiggle Assessment provides a step-by-step approach to boosting your brand and creating your Personalized Success Story.

When you can describe yourself uniquely in five powerful sentences, you will highlight your strengths, skills, and achievements. You will be able to communicate unique attributes, build trust in your potential employer, and prove that you are the right person for your desired role.

For example, the Creator’s Personalized Success Story could look like this. “I generate novel ideas and deliver innovative solutions. By communicating an expressive vision with a step-by-step approach and previous successes in my career, others feel enthusiastic about being a part of my team. I am creative and seasoned in television, digital programming, animation, media writing and thrive when setting objectives and reaching targets. My witty dialogue keeps my working environments, and teams motivated and inspired them to be their very best. I value a diligent, out-of-the-box approach to bringing ideas to fruition and achieving previously unimaginable goals.”

It is essential to control your narrative. You decide what the world thinks, feels, and says about you. It would be best if you did not leave your future up to chance. You hold the superpower to take yourself to greater heights.

Use the Quiggle Assessment to help create your pitch.

5. L.S.D.D. 

As a business owner, I have created a dream interview. If someone walked into my office for an interview and used L.S.D.D., I would probably hire them on the spot. Time is valuable, and you cannot expect to have a lengthy interview. L.S.S.D. should only take you thirty seconds to articulate. I gave this advice to my two sons before job interviews.

L – Loyalty “Let me make this clear. I want this job, and I will be loyal to you and loyal to this company.” Every employer wants to feel like you want to work with them, and you will have their back. If you can articulate your desire quickly with enthusiasm, it will get their attention. Potential employers need to know how you can make a positive impact on their company.

S – Show up. You want to make it known that you will be reliable and show up daily, both physically and mentally. An organization wants loyal and diligent employees. A true key to success is being noticed for being your authentic self.

D – Drama-Free. Every company is made up of all six Success Symbols. An employer needs to know that you possess the emotional intelligence to work efficiently with anyone and get along with your colleagues.

D – Do what is expected and work to exceed expectations. There is a hierarchy in most companies and a wish list of what your immediate supervisor (manager, V.P., C.E.O.) requires you to achieve. Let the interviewer know that you welcome their guidance and leadership and that you are capable of leading their teams.

6. Articulate Inspirational Stories About Yourself And Your Brand

We want our children to become upstanding, kind humans. Start by teaching your children about philanthropy through exposure to charities and volunteering. Provide positive reinforcement to nurture their cognitive-behavioral connection. They will become more grateful and generous, and less self-centered. Empower your children to contribute to your communities so they can be a part of something greater than themselves and truly make a difference.

These days, colleges are more focused on admitting students with a philanthropic background. As a bonus, it will boost your children’s chances of getting into a top college and make them more eligible for scholarships.

7. Turn the Tables 

Companies expect you to ask questions. They need to know you are serious about working with them. Pose questions about company values, culture, and challenges. Ask your interviewer to describe their career with the company and highlight qualities that can make a candidate successful. Bring up questions about day-to-day responsibilities, how performance is measured, how departments collaborate, and current challenges the company faces. An interview is a two-way conversation; therefore, ask thoughtful and intelligent questions. End your interview by asking for business cards and the next steps. Follow up the day after with an email or personalized thank you letter.



These seven secrets to interviewing provide constructive tools to land your dream job. Being thoroughly prepared with research, your Success Slogan, Personalized Success Story, and compelling stories will allow you to control your narrative and stand out from other qualified applicants. Highlight and market the best version of yourself. I wish you much success!

Lead Well,