In today’s competitive job market, knowing what it is employers want is vital knowledge to hold. Whether it be the wording of your resume, cover letter, or the interview itself it’s imperative to understand what it is employers are looking for so that you can make yourself that person. Knowing what they want to see and understanding how you can uniquely fit into that give you the leg up over other candidates and allows you to enter the application process with confidence. Here is a list of five key factors employers are looking for right now:

1.The Ability to Communicate

The way you communicate with others typically is influenced by those you were raised around, your individual perspective, and your confidence. While these things are different for almost everyone, it’s crucial to gain an understanding of what it looks like for you to communicate effectively. When you are on a team, if you can’t communicate what you need, want, or are capable of doing, mistakes are bound to happen somewhere along the line. For this reason, learning to communicate effectively is crucial if you want to excel not just in your career, but life in general. If you don’t know where to start in regards to communicating better, the best place to begin is in your ability to listen and understand. From there, take your time to speak and avoid talking just to fill an empty space in conversation. Make you words count and be concise with your communication.

2. Ability to Problem Solve

No job is going to be easy all the way through, you’re going to run into challenges (likely a lot of them) and it’s important to make it clear to employers that you know how to work through issues. Employers want to know that if things go wrong, you know how to step up and competently resolve the issue. When trying to get a job, make it clear that you have a history of working through problems and can handle the stress that comes with set backs.

3. The Ability to Work in a Team

Communication plays into this a little bit, but being able to work in a unit, not just by yourself, is crucial to employers. Nobody wants to hire someone who doesn’t work well with others, and if you don’t make it clear that you have experience working in a team it could be a red flag. Remember, you’re filling a position, and you need the other people on your team in order to do it as best as you can. Let potential employers know the way that you work with others. This is something that The Quiggle Assessment can help you with, by identifying your Success Symbol you are then given in depth information regarding how your unique attributes work in a team.

4. An Eagerness to Work/Enthusiasm

There is no reason not to make it clear to your potential employer that you really do want this job. As an employer, it means a great deal to see applicants that are excited about the opportunity. When someone is excited they are more likely to do a better job than someone who isn’t. Excitement often times lends itself to a desire to succeed. If the company is one that you believe in, let them know why! This also lends itself to you being better on a team because someone who wants to do well knows the immense value of teamwork.

5. Dedication

When you start something, do you finish it? When you set a goal, do you hit it? If you make a promise, can you follow through? The ability to follow through and a track record of doing so is something every employer wants to see in an applicant. Tell the employer the projects you’ve completed and the things that you’re proud of. Let them know that you not only take pride in your work, but that your work is important enough to you to follow through with.


The phrase “Put your best foot forward” is often times a lot easier said than done, but that’s why preparing before an interview is so important. It’s another reason that we’re so proud of the Quiggle Assessment because it helps you communicate to employers the way that you uniquely hold these 5 attributes. As you go into the interview process, just remember to answer every question thoughtfully and to take your time. Lastly, let them see you as the unique and valuable person you are not just a robot. Confidence comes from knowing yourself, knowing your worth, and knowing that you are capable of doing hard things.

Lead Well,